Hola, hace dias que no se nada de ustedes, espero que todo vaya viento en popa! Cuentame donde estan, como les ha ido, que tal las crreteras, la gente, en fin todo......con aprecio, Juank
Yes, We will be doing volunteer work in educational setting on the way. Our budget is very limited so if we can have any extra money. This is where it will be going to. Gracias
Born in La Calera Chile, graduated from Southern Connecticut State University in 1994. Since then I had been following my passion for photography with explorations into other formats such as mix media, installation photography and video. My passion as a teacher also allows me to transmit the importance of art expression on a free and save environment for my students as it is for me.
"Photography is my own therapy. Art allows me the freedom to explore my inner self juxtaposed to my outer self".
Hola chi,chi,le,le,
estoy muy contento de verte en la ruta. Sigue: enamorada locamente enamorada de esta eventura que es la vida:)
disculpa el nombre de ivan, Juank
Hola, hace dias que no se nada de ustedes, espero que todo vaya viento en popa! Cuentame donde estan, como les ha ido, que tal las crreteras, la gente, en fin todo......con aprecio, Juank
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