...Well it is X-mass day and we are in San Diego (SD) with Grace Ann...San Francisco is behind us. We left there on December 8th. This first two weeks had been adjusting to what will be a year or more...my new home and my new dreams...I had always love traveling, but I have to say, this is a very different way, never went through my mind until I med Marc.
I met him when he was finishing his trip from Alaska to San Francisco...well a year later, here I am, driving my own bicycle to Argentina with him...we drove from 30 to 60 miles daily, depending on the day...leaving San Francisco we actually got lost from each other, the first day!... " I wonder if we will actually get to Argentina together"...
We were lucky to miss most of the rain on the way. Somehow, we never really got it, even thought they kept announcing rain in the region. We spent time in Santa Cruz with friends and even relaxed on their jacuzzi for one evening under the full moon, not bad to start!!!. We kept on pedaling along the coast and since they kept announcing rain we decided to make contact with someone from "warm-showers", a website for bicycle travelers. Well we met this great couple in Pacific Grove, Diego from Spain and Rosie from United States, they met in Chile. It was great to be there for a few days, shared similar adventures, they had also been traveling with their bicycles around Asia.
Meeting all these people make trips like this great...but it is time to keep going, it is hard to leave sometime especially when you are eating home-made bread in a warm cozy home, but the road is there, waiting for us, so we got up early put our thinks together and hit the road...the great Big
Sur was on the way...and it was great! Probably the best way to go through this part of the Hwy 1 or walking even better...we only had to stop one morning and let the hail go by. After a few hours, we put our warm rainy gear on and pedaled out to go over the hill to find the most beautiful sun on the other side, the weather and the sun keep us company until we got to San Diego...now it is raining here and tomorrow we continue to cross into Tijuana, Mexico...